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Home: Welcome
Photo by DaisyBell Photography

Y O U R   P E R F E C T  W E D D I N G   C A K E


Classic and creative wedding cakes and dessert tables, perfect for your special day.

Let me exceed your expectations with a beautiful bespoke cake that tastes even better than it looks!

I am not currently taking on any orders, but feel free to check out my blog for inspiration and ideas!

Photo by Sophie Mort Photography

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F A V O U R S   &   T R E A T S

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T H E    P E R F E C T   W A Y    T O    C E L E B R A T E

L E T ' S   H E L P   T H E   P L A N E T

For every order over £50, I plant one tree with more:trees which offsets 0.3 tonnes of carbon. This is how many trees I've planted so far:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 9.22.51 PM.png
Home: Contact

C H E C K   A V A I L A B I L I T Y

I am not currently taking bookings, but feel free to check out my blog for inspiration and ideas!

Photo by Sophie Mort Photography
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